CHRONOLOGICAL LIST. 293 1822-1837. 8. Parsons (Christopher).—[His Game-Book] MS. 8vo. (A small book containing a record of everything he shot between these dates, with the dates and localities, and occasional remarks on the weather; chiefly relates to rabbits, partridges, sparrows, and vermin. Thus, during 1823, he shot 156 sparrows (30 at one shot) and 7S blackbirds. In 1823 he also caught 458 sparrows by bat-fowling and other means ; 98 in 1824, and 241 during 1825. In 1824 he either caught or shot 396 rabbits ; in 1825, 942; and in 1826, 489, all at Shoebury.) 1826. 9. Sheppard (Rev. Revett) and Whitear (Rev. Wm.)—A Catalogue of Norfolk and Suffolk Birds, with Remarks. Trans. linn. Soc. xv. pp. 1-62, 4to, London. 1831-46. 10. Doubleday (Henry) —[One Hundred Letters chiefly about Birds and Insects, written to the late T. C. Heysham, of Carlisle, Aug. 30th, 1831 to Feb. 9th, 1846.] MS. 1832. 11. Parsons (Christopher)—Birds in Rochford Hundred (MS.). Evidently a fragment only ; ends with the Redwing; perhaps the first draft of the list prepared for Benton's History of Rochford Hundred ; on paper watermarked 1832. 1829-36. 12. The Magazine of Natural History, &c. Conducted by ). C. Loudon, 8vo, London. (2nd series, 1837-40. No. 18). 1833-34. 13. [Various]—The Field Naturalist, &c. Edited by James Rennie, 8vo, London, 1835. 14. Yarrell (Wm.)—History of British Birds, 3 vols, 8vo, London. (2nd ed., 1845 ; 3rd ed., 1856; 4th ed., 1871--85.) 1835. 15. Doubleday (Edward)—A Catalogue of Birds which have occurred in the Neighbourhood of Epping. Entomological Mag. iii. pp. 288-293, 8vo, London. (About 125 species enumerated.) 1835. 16. Maclean (Dr, A.) -[Three Letters to T. C. Heysham, of Carlisle.] MS. 1835-36. 17. Sheppard (E. F.)—[Two Letters, dated Dec. 25th, 1835 and Jan. 19th, 1836, to T. C. Heysham.] MS. (Son of Rev. Revett Sheppard, formerly Rector of Wrabness, whose table of the arrival of Summer Migrants at Wrabness, 1818-1830, is given in the first letter.) 1837-40. 18. [Various]—The Magazine of Natural History. Second series, edited by Edward Charlesworth, 4 vols., 8vo.