INDEX. Abdy, Sir Robert, 8. Accentor, Alpine, 89. Accentor, Hedge, Sq. Adriatic Gull, 264. Alpine Accentor, 89. Arctic Tern, 258 Arrival of Summer Migrants, 39. Atkinson, Rev. J. C, 8. Atkinson, Rev. John, 9. Audley End Collection, 35. Auk, Great, 277. Auk, Little, 278. Authors consulted, List of, 292. Avocet, 240. Bullion's Crake, 224. Barnacle Goose, 196. Barn Owl, 154. Bar-tailed Godwit, 255. Baxter, G. H., 10. Baxter Collection, 35. Bean Goose, 192. Bearded Tit, 91, 280. Bee-eater, 130. Bewick's Swan, 199. Bibliography of the subject, 292. Bird Collections, Chief Essex, 35. Bird Lists, Previous Essex, 5. Bittern, Little, 183. Black-bellied Dipper, 90. Blackbird, 74. Blackcap, 83. Black Guillemot, 278. Black-headed Gull, 26;. Black Redstart, 79. Black Stork, 188. Black-tailed Godwit, 254. Black Tern, 261. Black-throated Diver, 273. Black-winged Stilt, 240. Blue-headed Yellow Wagtail, 98. Blue Tit, 94. Bohun's Hall Decoy, 63. Brambling, 119, 280. Braybrooke Collection, The, 35. Bree, Charles R., 10. Bree Collection, 35. Brent Goose, 192. Briinnich's Guillemot, 278. Buff-breasted Sandpiper, 250. Buffon's Skua, 269. Bullfinch, 122. Bunting, Common, 127. Bunting, Cirl, 128. Bunting, Corn, 127. Bunting, Snow, 123, 281. Bunting, Yellow, 127, Bustard, Great, 529. Bustard, Little, 230. Bustard, Macqueen's, 231. Buzzard, 164. Buzzard, Honey, 170. Buzzard, Rough-legged, 166, 281. Carrion Crow, 133. Cirl Bunting, 128. Chaffinch, 118. Chalky Uplands, 3, Chiffchaff, 85. Chough, 130. Clarke, Joseph, 11. Coal Tit, 93. Colchester Museum Collection, 36 Colin, Virginian, 222. Collared Pratincole, 233. Collections, Chief Essex Bird, 35. Coot, 226. Common Bunting, 127. Common Guillemot, 277. Common Gull, 263. Common Sandpiper, 250. Common Scoter, 210. Common Skua, 268. Common Snipe, 243. Common Tern, 258. Cormorant, 178. Corn Bunting, 127. Corn Crake, 224. Crake, Baillon's, 224. Crake, Corn, 224. Crake, Little, 224. Crake, Spotted, 223. Crane, 22S. Creeper, Tree, 111. Crested Tit, 94. Crossbill, 122. Crossbill, Parrot, 126. Crossbill, Two-barred, 126. Crow, Carrion, 133. Crow, Hooded, 134.