298 THE BIRDS OF ESSEX. Cuckoo, 153. Curlew, 256. Curlew Sandpiper, 247. Curlew, Stone, 232. Dabchick, 276. Dale, Samuel, 11. Daniel, Rev.W. B., 12. Dartford Warbler. 84. Decoys in Essex, 47, Dipper, 90. Dipper, Black-bellied, go. Diver, Black-throated, 273. Diver, Great Northern, 273. Diver, Red-throated, 274. Dix, Thomas, 12, Dotterel, 236. Doubleday, Edward, 13. Doubleday, Henry, 13, 39. Dovercourt Decoy, 67. Dove, Ring, 214. Dove, Stock, 214. Dove, Turtle, 215. Duck, Eider, 209. Duck, Long-tailed, 209. Duck, Tufted, 205. Duck, White-eyed, 209. Duck, Wild, 262. Dunlin, 244. Gallinule, Green-backed, 223. Gannet, 178. Garden Warbler, 84. Garganey, 203. Gibson, Jabez, 21. Glaucous Gull, 262. Glebeland Decoy, 61. Glossy Ibis, 189. Godwit, Bar-tailed, 255. Godwit, Black-tailed, 254. Goldcrest, 84, Golden Eagle, 167. Golden-eye, 208. Golden Oriole, 101. Golden Plover, 234. Goldfinch, 111. Goldhanger Decoys, 62. Goosander, 211. Goose, Barnacle, 196. Goose, Bean, 192. Goose, Brent, 192. Goose, Grey Lag, 190. Goose, Pink-footed, 191. Goose, Red-breasted, 197. Goose, White-fronted, 191. Gore Decoy, 63. Goshawk, 168. Grange Decoy, 59. Grasshopper Warbler, 88. Great Auk, 277. Great Black-backed Gull, 264. Great Black Woodpecker, 147. Great Bustard, 229. Greater Grey Shrike, 104, 281. Greater Shearwater, 272. Great Grey Shrike, 103, 281. Great Northern Diver, 273. Great Oakley Hall Decoy, 66. Great Reed Warbler, 87. Great Skua, 268. Great Snipe, 243, 283. Great Spotted Woodpecker, 148. Great Tit, 93. Great White Heron, 183. Grebe, Eared, 275. Grebe, Great Crested, 275. Grebe, Little, 276. Grebe, Red-necked, 27J Grebe, Sclavonian, 275 Green-backed Gallinule, 223. Greenfinch. 113. Greenland Falcon, 171. Green Sandpiper, 251. Greenshank, 254. Green Woodpecker, 148. Grey-Lag Goose, 190. Grey Phalarope, 241. Grey Plover, 234. Grey Wagtail, 97. Grouse, Red, 222. Grubb, Jonathan, 22. Eagle, Golden, 167. Eagle, White-tailed, 167. Eagle Owl, 161. Eared Grebe, 275. East Hall Decoy, 61. Egyptian Vulture, 162. Eider Duck, 209. English, James Lake, 19. Epping, Arrival of Summer Migrants at, 39. Essex Bird Collections, Chief, 33. Essex Bird Lists, 5. Essex Decoys, 47. Essex, Hawks and Hawking in, 43. Essex, Number of Species in, 6. Essex Ornithologists, 8. Essex, Physical Features of, 1. Essex, Wild-Fowling in, 47. Falcon, Greenland, 171. Falcon, Iceland, 171. Falcon, Peregrine, 172. Fieldfare, 73. Firecrest, 85. Fitch, Edward A , 21. Flycatcher, Pied, 107. Flycatcher, Spotted, 108. Forests and Woodlands, 4. Fulmar, 272. Gadwall, 203.