INDEX. 299 Guillemot, 277. Guillemot, Black, 278. Guillemot, Brunnich's, 278. Gull, Adriatic, 264. Gull, Black-headed, 265. Gull, Common, 263. Gull, Glaucous, 262. Gull, Great Black-backed, 264. Gull, Herring, 262. Gull, Iceland, 262. Gull, Lesser Black-backed, 263. Gull, Little, 26S. Gull, Sabine's, 26S. Harrier, Hen, 163. Harrier, Marsh, 162. Harrier, Montagu's, 164 Harting on Hawking in Essex, 43. Hawfinch, 113. Hawking in Essex, 43. Hawks and Hawking, 43. Hedge Sparrow, 89. Hen Harrier, 163. Heron, 180. Heron, Great White, 183. Heron, Night, 186. Heron, Purple, 183. Herring Gull, 262. Hill, Rev. W. H., 22. Hobby, 174. Honey Buzzard, 170. Hooded Crow, 134. Hoopoe, 150. Hope, G. P., 23. Hope Collection, 36. Horsey Island Decoy, 66. House Sparrow, 117. Hoy, J. D, 23. Hoy Collection, 36. Ibis, Glossy, 189. Iceland Falcon, 171. Iceland Gull, 262. Intermediate Ringed Plover, 235. Introduction, 1. Jackdaw, 133. Jack Snipe, 244. Jaques Hall Decoy, 67. Jaques Hall Old Decoy, 67. Jay, 132, Joyce's Decoy, 62. Kentish Plover, 235. Kerry, F., 23. Kestrel, 277. King, Wm. Doubleday, 23. King Collection, 37. Kingfisher, 149. Kite, 169. Kittiwake, 262. Knot, 248. Landrail, 224. Lapwing, 237. Lark, Shore, 143. Lark, Sky, 141. Lark, Wood, 142. Latchingdon Decoy, 61. Laver, Dr. Henry, 25. Leach's Fork-tailed Petrel, 271. Legge, Capt. W.V., 25. Lesser Black-backed Gull, 263. Lesser Redpoll, 120. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 147. Lesser Whitethroat, 82. Lighthouses, 5. Linnet, 119. Lion Point, or Wick, Decoy, 65. List of Subscribers, List of Works referred to, Lister, Arthur, 25. Little Auk, 278. Little Bittern, 183. Little Bustard, 230. Little Crake, 224. Little Grebe, 276. Little Gull, 268. Little Owl, 161. Little Stint, 246. Little Tern, 259. Long-eared Owl, 155. Long-tailed Duck, 209. Long-tailed Tit, 92. Lowlands, 3. Maclean, Dr. Allan, 25. Macqueen's Bustard, 231. Magpie, 132. Manx Shearwater, 271. Marsh Harrier, 162. Marsh House Decoy, 59. Marsh Tit, 93. Marsh Warbler, 87. Marshes, 4. Martin, 109. Martin, Purple, 110. Martin, Sand, 110. Mayland Decoy, 61. Meadow Pipit, 99. Mealy Redpoll, 121. Merganser, Red-breasted, 212. Merlin, 175, 281. Mersea Island Decoy, 64. Migration Tables, 40. Mistle Thrush, 72. Montagu's Harrier, 164. Moorhen, 225. Mute Swan, 197. Needle-tailed Swift, 145. Night Heron, 186.