PREFACE. vii reproductions of some of the best wood-cuts in Bewick's famous series. For the following exquisite little engravings, I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. E. N. Buxton, in whose work on Epping Forest they first appeared :—Great Tit (p. 93), Long-tailed Tit (p. 92), Hawfinch (p. 114), Jay (p. 132), Green Woodpecker (p. 148), Heron (2 cuts, pp. 180 and 183), Ring Dove (p. 214), Pewits (p. 237) and Sparrowhawk (p. 169). For the cut of the Little Ringed Plover (p. 236), I am in- debted to Mr. Harting. A few have been specially drawn and engraved by Mr. G. E. Lodge, and these I think will not be severely criticised. I have to acknowledge my great indebtedness to many friends who have most obligingly supplied me with much useful and valuable information. Among these may be men- tioned Messrs. G. P. Hope, of Upminster Hall; F. Kerry, of Harwich; Dr. Henry Laver, F.L.S, of Colchester; and Mr. Walter R. Sackett, of Orsett. Each of these has supplied me with a valuable list of the birds frequenting his particular dis- trict, of which I have made extensive use, as will be seen in the following pages. I am also under great obligations for information to many other friends, including the Rev. J. C. Atkinson, LL.D., Mrs. Bree, Major Ed. Taylor, Miss C. Fell Smith, the Rev. H. A. Macpherson, the late Rev. Dr. Babing- ton, the Rev. M. C. H. Bird, Messrs. G. H. Baxter, G. W. Brewis, Joseph Clarke, F.S.A., Walter Crouch, Stanley Edwards, Jonathan Grubb, J. H. Gurney, jun., F.L.S., &c, J. F. Hills, Robert Page, James Round, M.P., Champion B. Russell, Charles Smoothy, F. Spalding, Hy. Stephenson, Jas. F. T. Wiseman, and many others. More especially am I indebted to Mr. E. A. Fitch, of Maldon, President of the Essex Field Club (who has rendered me constant and very valuable assistance whilst passing the sheets through the press), to Mr. Wm. Cole (to whom I am indebted for the notice of the late Mr. English), to Mr. W. H. Dalton (who has kindly assisted me with the index), to Mr. A. P. Wire