- 2 - EDITORIAL As the President says, in his inaugural message, the decision to produce a Bulletin was taken by the Council as a result of the answers to the questionnaire sent to members some time ago. This revealed that there were those who felt the Essex Naturalist to be too specialised for the lay reader, and those who felt there was no place for trivia, such as reports of meetings, in this publication. Our policy is, therefore, to produce a small publication containing reports of meetings, short items of general interest, notices of forthcoming meetings and so on. This Bulletin will replace the monthly notices hitherto sent out to members; without these reminders, I would emphasise the need to make a note of all meetings in your diary now. It has been inevitable that, for this first issue, I have had to provide much of the copy. Subsequently, I hope to receive more from readers. Remember, all observations are of interest, and some may be of importance, so that publication is a very necessary thing. I shall welcome any contributions you may send; in fact, the success and continuance of this venture depends on you. Also, of course, criticism is looked for. The layout and type of material may not always meet with general approval, and will be altered in the light of criticism when possible, always remembering that we are limited in resources. Letterpress and glossy paper or colour printing are beyond our means at present. You will see, from the reports of meetings, the Club has been active this summer; some of the meetings have been well attended and all have been very enjoyable. It is the Club's meetings, after all, which give members almost their only opportunity to meet each other and indulge our common