- 3 - interest. From the reports, I have taken the liberty of isolating the Geology Group's Weekend as a separate feature. This meeting is probably the most highly organised meeting of the year, and was so much enjoyed as to warrant this highlighting. Perhaps, in the future, other Groups may come up with meetings which could be reported as special features. Finally, before we plunge into the body of the Bulletin, do remember to give me copy, also bouquets and raspberries for me to act on. ************* PROPOSED NEW COUNTY LIST OF BUTTERFLIES & MOTHS There can be no doubt that a very great need exists for a new and authoritative Essex Lepidoptera. In the sixty-three years since William H. Harwood's check-list of Essex lepidoptera appeared in the Victoria County History, the knowledge of the lepidoptera of our County has increased enormously; many new species have been recorded, a number have ceased to occur in Essex, and the status summaries which Harwood gave, require considerable amendment in the majority of cases. At a meeting in Chelmsford on 14th March, 1970, attended by a number of Essex lepidopterists, it was agreed to proceed with the preparation of an Essex Lepidoptera, for which purpose an editorial panel was formed, consisting of Messrs. A.J. Dewick, J. Firmin, H.C. Huggins, G.A. Pyman and E.F. Williams. It is hoped to publish the work in three to four years' time. Will anyone interested in furthering this project apply to the Recorder, who will be happy to supply full particulars: E.F. Williams, The Cottage, Navestockside, Brentwood, Essex. (Phone: Coxtie Green 602).