- 14 - The President, on behalf of members, then graciously made the presentation of an attractively-engraved pewter tankard which was handed over with a few well-chosen words. The design selected for engraving included crossed geological hammers surmounted by the words Essex Field Club, supported by the words Geology Group, and set off a handsome gift. Our Hon. Sec. was clearly deeply moved by the tangible expression of our appreciation, but quickly recovered to make a suitable speech of thanks and give a resume of the Group's fortunes over the years. The next item was a series of groups of colour slides of noteworthy trips presented by members and accompanied by brief explanations or reminiscences, which brought back many memories. Contributors were: Dr. Davidson, who gave an interesting dissertation on the geology of Shropshire; Roy Masefield, who included tape-recorded chats with Mr. Peake, an incredibly garrulous, but fascinating eccentric, amateur geologist and bookseller who had kept us spellbound for several hours in our Norwich hotel on the 1969 Whitsun trip; Peter Allen, who covered Barrington and district with some well-chosen slides; Allen Bunker, who provided a varied bill of fare at very short notice, and our Hon. Sec. completed the show with a fine selection of slides of Derbyshire. The meeting concluded on an amusing note to the stirring strains of Rule Britannia, while members paid mute respect to the colourful image of our Club General Secretary and his bride in wedding finery, projected in 35 mm colour. It remains only to add that the new tankard was suitably christened at The Artichoke, where the more local members spent the last ten minutes of a notable evening. (Jack Caldwell)