- 16 - May 17th. General Meeting No. 1161. Hylands Park, Chelmsford. This meeting was organised as a joint effort by the Essex Naturalists' Trust and the Club as one of the events for European Conservation Year 1970. Over 40 members attended on a cool but dry day. The flora and bird life of this fine Park were studied. During the day, members were fortunate in being able to see and hear blackcaps and garden warblers, two birds more often heard than seen, and also difficult to distinguish by their song. In addition to these, herons, great-, coal-, marsh- and long-tailed-tits were seen and heard. In the woods, wrens, robins and chiff-chaffs were in full song. One group studied the magnificent trees and other flowering plants. Amongst interesting trees recorded were walnuts, horse chestnuts, laburnums, sycamore all in flower, and elms in fruit. Two interesting flowering plants recorded were Veronica serpyllifolia and Ranunculus auricomus (wood goldilocks). By the end of the day, 38 different species of birds and 27 species of plants had been recorded, a good total for such a well-attended meeting. (Mike Parker) May 31st. Danbury Common (Birds) The morning was rather overcast, but dry. Thirty members and friends attended the meeting. In the morning a search was made for red-backed shrikes, a scarce bird which regularly visits the Common. Members also watched a willow-tit busy feeding its young, the nest being in a hole of a small oak tree. Nearby, willow warblers, chiff-chaffs, linnets and yellow-hammers were in full song.