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(Editor's Note: Ron Coates has not mentioned the Roman
villa at North Leigh, which he allowed us twenty minutes
to see. It proved to he so extensive and interesting that
we took forty. There is an excellent mosaic floor with
hypocaust very well preserved. The Ministry of Works keeper
there said it was one of the largest in the country. A
Roman bath was a rare pleasure to see. The whole complex
of building dates from AD 90, with many alterations and
extensions over a period of 200 years).
Some reports of more recent meetings are to hand, but
they are being held over to the next issue so as to even
up the loading.
Mike Parker tells how he was recording nightingales
at Mill Green, near The Viper on the Spring Bank Holiday
Weekend. After making a successful recording he played it
back to induce the birds to sing again (they think it is a
real bird violating their territory and they sing loudly to
put the usurper in his place!). He turned round to find a
group of people approaching, also carrying a tape recorder,
on which they had, in all innocence recorded Mike's
Have you any experience that would come under the
heading of "It had to happen, sometime"? If so, please
let me have them to share with our readers.