- 24 - recognition features, call, etc. Bach is illustrated by a large, beautifully-executed colour painting by Raymond Harris Ching (it sounds unlikely, but according to my information, he's an Australian). Some may quibble that the birds have been drawn with the eye of an artist and not an ornithologist. It is true that Ching has departed from the traditional standing side view, which may be more suitable for identification, but he has given us birds that really look alive. The rest of the book gives aids to recognition, with more conventional drawings by other artists, Eric Fraser, Robert Gillmor and Herman Heinzel to name but three, and a large section is devoted to general articles on bird life. All in all a very fine book, and not too expensive. ********* I have been asked, by the membership secretary, to remind some members that they are still in arrears with their subscriptions. ********* In the next issue of the Bulletin we shall give names, addresses and interests of all members joining the Club as from this month. ********* All being well, the next issue should be available in the Spring of 1971. *********