THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB BULLETIN Edited by Roy Masefield AUTUMN 1970 CONTENTS A Message from Your President ......... 1 Editorial................2 Proposed new County List of Butterflies and Moths . . 3 An Hour and a Quarter in the Life of a Stoat by Ron Allen.............4 A Curious Flint, by W.J. Chambers . ...... 5 Swanage Trip, by the Editor........... 6 Wrynecks in Essex, by Mike Parker........ 11 Whinchats and Wheatears ........... 11 Reports of Meetings 1970........... 12 It had to Happen, Sometime.......... 21 Book Reviews............... 22 Programme for January to April 1971....... 25 ************ Published by the Essex Field Club, at the Passmore Edwards Museum, Romford Road, Stratford, E.15. Editorial Address: Mr. W.R. Masefield, 38 Pentland Avenue, Chelmsford, CM1 4AZ. Printed by: Central Agency, 16 Duke Street, Chelmsford. Tel: Chelmsford 8477/8.