THE NEW GEOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY GALLERY AT THE PASSMORE EDWARDS MUSEUM The upper floor of the Passmore Edwards Museum, for long the home of the Essex Field Club, has now taken on a new look. Under the guidance of the Curator, Mr. I.G. Robertson, and his assistants, the geological and archaeological display has been built. The formal opening of the gallery took place on the evening of the 3rd November 1970, performed by Mr. Lawrence Harley, who is a Governor of the museum and President of the Essex Archaeological and Historical Congress. Also present at the ceremony were Mrs. Harley, the Mayor and Mayoress of Newham, with Dr. Duggan, chairman of the Museum Governors and his wife, and Mr. G.E. Smith the Town Clerk and his wife. Representing the Essex Field Club on the Board of Governors was Mr. R.E.C. Coates, and representing the Geology Group was its chairman, Mr. J. Caldwell. In his speech, Mr. Harley dwelt on the changes that have come over museums in the last decade or two and the important part that provincial museums can play in the education of the public and its children. He spoke of his own interest in natural history and how it was fostered by a wise parent, and went on to deplore the fate of many fine private collections that were often thrown out on the death of their owners, instead of finding their way to museums. He spoke, too, of modern methods of display; how material was selected to show a story, rather than represent a dull catalogue of burial chamber contents. The Mayor thanked Mr. Harley for his address and added his own comments on the place of a museum in the life of a community. The guests then went up to see the new gallery. The display certainly bears out Mr. Harley's remarks on new methods of presentation. The well-chosen exhibits are nicely disposed in hexagonal cabinets, individually lit and assembled so as to form a pleasing labyrinth taking one from earliest times through Roman, Medieval and Renaissance up to Modern. Good panels of lettering, maps and wall-charts fill Page 4