October 4th. Fingringhoe Wick Nature Reserve. (Birds) Forty-three members attended. One bird for each member was recorded. Interesting birds seen were: cormorant, bar-tailed godwit, little grebe, willow warbler and a black-cap. One snipe was also seen. Interesting fungi included a probable Lepiota species and an ink-cap (Coprinus sp.) The weather for the outing was dry but with little sunshine. Mike Parker October 11th. General Meeting No. 1165. Fungus Foray in Epping Forest (including the Mycological Report for 1970) In spite of another dry summer, the season's results are quite satisfactory. The Recorder's meeting in September in the Baldwins Hill area produced two interesting finds: Psalliota sylvaticus and Lacrymaria velutina. The main Foray, in October, starting at the Wake Arms, attracted the usual large gathering. At the tea venue, the Foresters' Arms, the finds were identified by Geoffrey Kibby, Mrs. D. Boardman and Heather Boardman. Nearly 100 species were named. New records were: Hygrophorus strangulatus and Russula emeticella. The following had not been recorded since Pearson's list in 1938: Russula alutacea and Cerrena unicolor. I am grateful to Geoffrey Kibby for his records, the most interesting are: Volvariella speciosa, Inocybe bongardii, I. maculata, Hebeloma sacchariolens, Panellus serotinus, Russula odorata. All are new records. Also twelve species not recorded since 1938. During the past season we have been helped by the use of the new Russula key, produced by Mr. R.W. Rayner. This has been responsible for the pleasing number of finds in this genus during the year. Using the key, we are now able to recognise Russula emeticella, differing from R. mairei, which it closely resembles, in the soft swollen stem, completely peeling cuticle, and a different chemical reaction Page 17