is shown standing on four legs and bearing a rhinoceros- type horn on its nose. In fact, the Iguanodon stood on its hindlegs, which were considerably larger than the forelegs, and the horn was a kind of spiky thumb. (See drawings on centre pages). The Dicynodent is also inaccurately modelled, with a shell on its back, also the giant swimming lizard, Mosasaurus and the shark-like Ichthyosaurus differ from how present-day scientists visualise them. In spite of the unintentional discrepancies, these monsters were an admirable achievement at a time when Palaeontological discovery was in its infancy. Reluctantly, the party left the monsters to their dripping surroundings, and proceeded to the Horniman Museum for a chance to dry out before sampling the varied delights of the exhibits. Being Geologists, it was to this section that the party members were attracted, but the exhibits were, in fact, rather disappointing, as Geology Group members have themselves collected specimens as good or better than many displayed. However, the remainder of the Natural History section was well represented, including a complete range of anthropoid fossil and modern human skulls. This is essentially a museum of people, the way they live and their customs, and is worthy of a longer visit. There is also an unusual tea-room with numerous cases of fascinating bygones to gaze upon whilst partaking of a refreshing cuppa. It was a pity so few members attended this meeting, no doubt the weather was responsible, but the few who braved the rain felt it well worth the effort. Florence Caldwell December 5th. Symposium of Essex Mammal Distribution. (Mammal Group). A Symposium of Essex Mammal Distribution was held at the Suntrap Field Centre, High Beech, on December 5th at 3.0 p.m. The meeting was introduced by the Group Chairman, Mr. D.R. Scott, who related the work of Dr. Henry Laver at the end of the last century to our present-day knowledge of Essex mammals. It was noted that three species had been lost, namely, pine marten, polecat and roe deer, and new Page 19