EDITORIAL For this issue of the Bulletin, I shall make my editorial brief. This is not a sign of lazyness, but indicates there is so much material to print that I must not use up valuable space myself. To all those who have contributed material, my thanks - and hopes that they and others will continue to send in copy, I have enjoyed reading contributions, and, if I may single out any one item, it is especially the stimulating correspondence between Messrs, Harley and Chambers which starts on page 10, There's a lot to sink your teeth into here. Also I've enjoyed Bernard Ward's frank answers to questions in his Personal View on page 5. From the reports of meetings you will see that the Club has been very active during the first half of 1971 - let's hope for the same in the second half. The Autumn Bulletin should be with you in December, and until then I wish you pleasant days. Roy Masefield OBITUARY It is with very deep regret that we record the death on the 3rd. May 1971, of Mrs, Kathleen Birkmire. Mrs. Birkmire had been an active member of the Club and had served a term on its Council. Her quiet manner and her sympathetic willingness to do her bit for the Club won her many friends. After one long illness we had hoped to see her on our outings for many seasons to come, but it was not to be, and illness struck again. Her fortitude during this must be an example to us. The Club extends to Mr. Birkmire and his family our very sincere sympathies in their bereavement. Page 1