PERSONAL VIEW - BERNARD WARD (In this, the second in our series of personal views, Mr. Bernard Ward, former President of the Club, botanical expert and a Verderer of Epping Forest, answers questions put to him by the Editor.) Q. How did you first become interested in botany? A. My interest in plants began when my Mother showed me flowers of all kinds. She was greatly attracted to all plants although not very knowledgeable about the names of any but the commonest. In those days, schools did not offer the advantages which children of the present time- enjoy, for there were no nature tables or similar opportunities to learn about plants or natural history. Later on the school curriculum did include one botany lesson a week, and the teacher spent each lesson going over the same ground, describing root, stem, leaf and flower and their functions. At my Mother's instigation my Father obtained a small monthly publication which was, I think, entitled 'The Nature Reader Monthly'. This embraced in simple language an abundance of information about all kinds of natural history and included articles about the stars, general historical features, and similar subjects. I read these booklets again and again until I knew many of them by heart, About this time I acquired as a present a set of six books in the 'I Know' series - the 'Wood I Know', the 'Pond I Know' and so on, and these, too, provided both an excellent background of natural history and the means to identify and name many plants, animals, birds and insects. About this time I made friends with a local working gardener, a countryman who amused himself in spare time sketching flowers and local scenes. From him I learned a great deal about flowers, both wild and garden, although I have since found that many of the names he used were local names from the village where he had spent his youth. Nevertheless, whilst wandering the Essex countryside in his company, I found and had pointed out many plants, the existence of which I had only read about in my books, or of which I had no knowledge at all. From both my Mother Page 5