EXCHANGE PUBLICATIONS A great many publications are received by the Club and deposited in the Passmore Edwards Museum, Stratford, where they may be seen on application to the Curator, Those listed below are of particular interest to members: Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society Proceedings. Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Proceedings. Essex Archaeological Society Transactions. Essex Bird Watching and Preservation Society Essex Bird Report, Flatford Mill Field Centre Field Studies. Freshwater Biological Association Annual Report Scientific, Publications. Geologists Association Proceedings. Geological Society of London Quarterly Journal and Abstracts of Proceedings. Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society Papers and Proceedings. London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Transactions. London Natural History Society London Naturalist and London Bird Report. Norfolk and Norwich Natural History Society and Field Club Journal. Quecket Microscopical Club Microscopy. British Entomological and Natural History Society Proceedings. (Formerly South London Ent. & Nat, Hist, Soc) Suffolk Naturalists' Society Transactions. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Magazine. Other publications received by the museum by exchange, cover other areas of Britain and there are also a number of international exchanges, Ron Allen Page 9