REPORTS OF MEETINGS January 30th. General Meeting No. 1168 About 25 members and friends were present at West Ham to hear Mr. J.A.B. Hibbs of the City of London University give an interesting talk on the development of bus services in Essex. He started with an historical review, tracing the stage coach and other road services in existence before the coming of the Railways. He then went on to recount how road services practically disappeared by 1890. He then traced the revival of road services by means of road vehicles up to the present situation where once again public road services are beginning to be cut back through competitions this time from privately owned motor cars. One interesting fact emerged that it is possible today to purchase a directory and timetable of stage coach services for the year 1836: such a publication, which would have been very useful at the time, was not available and only compiled in 1969. Peter Glassborow February 6th. Annual General Meeting of the Mammal Group Fifteen members attended; Mr. David Scott took the chair. After the official business,, members notes and exhibits followed, with Paul Carter speaking about current research being carried out by the Wellcome Institute on delayed implantation in stoats. Stephen Harris then said a few words about the state of the mammal surveys and how records were still required in order to compare maps of the seventies with those of the sixties. Bob Cowlin then showed some slides and spoke about the use of pitfall traps for catching shrews. Next was a slide competition. Entry was limited to photographs of British mammals taken during 1970. Here were some excellent slides amongst the 22 entries, and the meeting chose one by Stephen Harris as the best. He was presented with a film by Brian Eastcott on behalf of the Essex Mammal News. David Corke showed a selection of slides taken during his recent trip to East Africa. (continued on Page 18) Page 15