A very enjoyable afternoon's meeting then closed with a vote of thanks to Bob and Mrs, Cowlin for the excellent tea provided, Brian Eastcott February 25th, Annual General Meeting of the Geology Group The A.G.M. of the Geology Group is always one of the best meetings of the year, and this one was no exception, due entirely to the imagination of the Group Committee. The minutes of the previous A.G.M. were read, and, as no nominations for the committee were received, the committee was declared re-elected for the coming year. Our Chairman, Jack Caldwell, who had acted temporarily, however, stood down and Peter Allen was then declared the new chairman of the Group, Our former chairman, acting in the absence of Peter Allen, then produced a sledge hammer, the history of which was gone into at some length, It had been decided to make an annual presentation of it to the Essex Field Club Geologist of the Year, and it was duly presented to a some-what surprised Roy Masefield, It was then announced that Dr. Davidson, a venerable member of the Group, was to move to Oxford, In recognition of his services to the Group, he was presented with a copy of the classic geological text by Professor Kirkaldy - Principles of Geology, signed by all members present, There followed three films which Ron Coates had obtained despite the postal strike. These were much appreciated, Ron Allen March 27th, Annual General Meeting at ¥est Ham College of Technology Our President, Mr. P.W. Glassborow, warmly welcomed about 30 members, who attended despite the postal strike. The official business of the meeting was quickly attended to, including signing of the minutes of the previous A.G.M., appointment of officers, approving the Council's Report and Page 18