redshank, shell duck, meadow pipits and reed buntings. Skylarks seemed to be singing everywhere, even over the marsh. On the sea wall, common whitlow grass (Erophila verna) was in full bloom. Some small bird pellets were found, and these contained numerous small snail, shells. The pellets remain unidentified. Total number of birds recorded was 31 . Mike Parker April 25th. General Meeting No. 1171. Galleywood Common 24 members attended this meeting, The day started rather overcast, but finally the sun came out and the birds sang. Members were fortunate in being able to observe a small flock of redpolls feeding in the silver birches. These birds are now widely distributed and becoming quite common in some parts. Linnets were also heard and seen in various parts of the Common. Willow warblers and the chiff-chaff were in full song. In all 28 species were seen or heard during the day. Mike Parker May 9th, General Meeting No, 1172. Hartswood - Thorndon Park (Birds) 34 members attended this meeting on a fine, sunny and warm day, Interesting birds seen or heard were three red-starts, tree pipits, redpoll and a garden warbler. Members spent a long time in trying to locate the red- starts after having heard their distinctive song. In the pine and larch plantations, male and female cones were pointed out, In another part of the woodlands near Hartswood, some lily-of-the-valley, Convallaria sp. was seen in flower. A thallose liverwort and a species of Polytrichum with capsules was also seen. Page 20