At the end of the meeting, 30 different species of birds had been seen or heard - a good total. Mike Parker May 23rd. Danbury Common (Birds) This meeting was attended by 15 members, who braved the drizzle, lack of sunshine, and in the afternoon a heavy downpour I Before the meeting, members heard tape recordings made in Thorndon Park, of the garden warbler, blackcap and redstart. 34 different species of bird were seen or heard* Interesting birds seen were redpolls, tree pipit, linnet, yellow hammer and blackcap. A visit was made to the Backwardens Reserves in the afternoon. Interesting plants noted were milkwort, lesser spearwort and a species of Corydalis. Mike Parker May 28th to 31st. Geology Weekend - Derbyshire The Geology Group held another very successful weekend outing, choosing Derbyshire as the area this year. The party numbered over 40, and occupied two small hotels, one in Matlock and one in Matlock Bath. These two small towns lie in the valley of the Derwent, the latter built on the steep sides of a gorge, tree-clad save for the vertical faces of the limestone cliffs. The weather promised to be rather a mixture, but Saturday was reasonable, with some bright periods. The convoy of cars left Matlock in the morning and stopped at Ashover, where the leader, Peter Allen was able to point out the geological structure of the Peak District anticline, with its rim of Millstone Grit and the exposed central dome of Carboniferous Limestone. In a quarry a little further on was an exposure of volcanic Tuffs. Page 21