EDITORIAL With this issue, number 4, we enter on the second year of publication of the Bulletin, which, I am pleased to say, continues to be well supported, and it is gratifying to see several new names among our contributors. While on this subject, may I apologise if articles have not always been acknowledged, but I am trying to keep the Club's postage charges down. However, I here and now thank all contributors for their copy. There has been so much contributed, indeed, that I have had sometimes to use the scissors; I hope our authors will not mind if a few of their more flamboyant phrases have been trimmed, — I trust the gist of what they set out to say has not suffered. The Programme Card for the first half of next year is included with this Bulletin; you will see there is fine fare for the coming season,, Don't forget to put these dates in your diary, — now. Finally, from the Council and Officers of the Club, and myself, may I wish you all the Compliments of the Season. Roy Masefield READING CIRCLE It is proposed to start a reading circle of the literature received by the Club from the many Natural History and Conservation bodies that correspond with the Club. This circle will be free to members, and all that is asked is that the member receiving the file send it on to the next person on the enclosed list within one week of his having received it. If you would like to be included on the list, then please let me know at 26 Burnside Road, Dagenham, Essex, RM8 1XD. Ron Allen Page 1