A. Yes, I think I did, and the trio who started it did. Only because we felt it deserved to succeed. Essex was, and still is, under terrific pressure for housing and industrial development, as much or more than any county in the country. ¥hat worried me then, and still worries me now, is that the Trust membership and activities grow by leaps and bounds, and so do its administrative problems. I think we are particularly fortunate, at the present time, with our officers and secretariat, who blend their natural history with their administrative skills. But it could very well be otherwise, and therein lies a very great danger. Q. The next question I have is a little more light-hearted, If you could choose to be someone else, who would you choose to be and why? A. Now this is an interesting question. I can't think of a single person by name, but I would like to have been one of a type. I would like to have been a craftsman or an artist, doing a job at one's own pace, with one's own hands, primarily for one's own satisfaction - to please ones-self, and not being answerable to a committee or a council or a board of directors. As a young schoolboy at Margaretting I used to love to pump the bellows at the forge, and watch the smith make horse-shoes and gates. I used to watch the village cobbler make a pair of shoes. Even now, I can watch a wood-carver, or an engineer at a lathe, or an artist at his easel, or a potter at his wheel. I could watch those people for hours. It is this matter of being your own master, particularly master of your hands, master of your eye. I'd love to be a craftsman, in metal or wood. Q. You strike a chord in me there, too. Now to a more practical question: What guidance would you give to a youngster who shows an interest in natural history? A. I think my advice would be to join a Natural History Society and not to specialise too early. Get into the habit of observing and recording, for memory is a fickle thing. And to be continually asking, as the true naturalist does, how? why? and where? And not accepting all that's written in text books. Finally, I would encourage the young Page 8