naturalist to build up a bookshelf of good standard works, and not to buy any of the mediocre books at present being offered, until you are quite satisfied that they will be of use to you. ************** THE ECOLOGY OF URBAN FOXES — A Request. I am commencing,a PH.D study at the University of London, investigating "The Ecology of Urban Foxes". As part of this study, it is intended to investigate the distribution numbers and habitat requirements of Urban Foxes, and I would be most grateful if anyone with records of foxes in gardens, raiding dustbins or just crossing roads, etc., would send these records to me at the address given below. It is also intended to study the food, parasites, reproduction and general health of Urban Foxes, and for this part of the study a large number of corpses of foxes killed in urban surroundings are needed. So should anyone find a fox killed on the road, etc., it would be most helpful if they would telephone me at 01-550-3909, and I will come and collect the corpse. All expenses incurred will be refunded if requested. My address for all written records is: 230, Fullwell Avenue, Clayhall, Ilford, Essex. Since success of this study depends on a large number of records and corpses, all help will be most appreciated. Stephen Harris ************** A LATE AFTERNOON VISIT TO RAINHAM MARSH by Kevin Byrne The late afternoon of 15th August was fine, warm and sunny. The Club Secretary, Ron Allen, and I had chanced upon this moment to visit the now-famed Rainham "mud reservoirs" which have proved such an attraction to birds and bird- watchers alike. The reservoirs cover a considerable area extending for a mile inland from the north bank of the Page 9