Our final view was that of three ruffs unconcernedly feeding, despite our obvious presence. Leaving the marsh in the failing light, we passed through the little town centre of Rainham, with its perfect Norman church and tower dominating the little square. ************** BOOK REVIEWS DARWIN AMD THE BEAGLE by Alan Moorhead It is, perhaps, something of a coincidence that I read Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle a number of years ago, while confined to my bed, and now, this month, I have read Alan Moorhead's book, Darwin and the Beagle, during another brief spell in bed, Both books have made a vivid impression on me, - the first because it is a wonderful narrative written in a style that should be the envy of any novelist, and the second because it complements the first, and is also in a simple, readable style that I like. Alan Moorhead describes the voyage of the Beagle and puts it in its historical context. He adds family notes, quotes from the writings of Darwin's contemporaries, and brings to life some of the companions of the young naturalist on that voyage which I am sure must be regarded as the most significant voyage of all time. There is, too, a wealth of colour and monochrome illustrations, culled from many sources; a large number are by the two official artists on the Beagle, firstly Augustus Earle and then Conrad Martens. Another attraction is that this book is now published in soft covers by Penguin Books in the same size and format as the earlier hard-cover, and at the low price of £1.25. Editor Page 11