July 25th. Baldwin's Hill (Birds) Six members attended this meeting in the former survey area. In spite of a few heavy showers, one whilst lunch was taken, all members enjoyed this meeting. Amongst interesting birds seen were a nuthatch, a moorhen feeding young, a tree pipit in the cleared area, and blue-great-and coal-tits. A number of fungi were seen and one smelt, — the stink-horn. The others included two species of Amanita and the sulphur tuft. Near the pond a considerable number of small frogs were seen on the pathways and in the Forest. These had apparently made their way from the pond into the Forest. In some places it was difficult not to tread on them. At the end of the meeting, some 25 different birds had been seen or heard. Mike Farker. August 28th. General Meeting No.1175. Skipper's Island This meeting was held on a glorious day, — but a breezy one. The 43 members who attended, all arrived safely on the Island by about noon, and were got away by boats by 5.00pm. Two groups were formed to explore the island. The Botanical group found: hog's fennel (Peucedanum Offininale); parsley Water-dropwort (Oenanthe lachenalis); lax-flowered sea lavender (Limonium humile); dyers greenweed (Genista tinctoria); adder's tongue(Ophioglossum vulgatum); rayless sea-aster (Aster tripolium var. discoidens); several species of Salicornia, S. perennis and S. gracillima. Now that the sea wall is breached in places there are areas flooded by tides and it is possible to see the transition from grassland to saltings. The wind kept the birds out of the way to a certain extent, and also the tide was coming up. In spite of this, 30 different birds were seen, Of interest were: grey and golden plover; common sandpiper; a harrier; Wheatear; oyster-catcher; redshank; kestrel; common and little terns. A number of butterflies were seen, including red admiral, meadow brown and an orange tip, At the end of the meeting, Mr. Williams and his brother were thanked for their hospitality, and their tea. Page 16