All members will remember this most enjoyable meeting. Stan Jermyn and Mike Parker. September 3rd. South Weald Park (Birds) Twenty-one members and friends attended this meeting on a warm sunny day. Birds are usually quiet at this time of year, except for robins and wrens, which do now and again burst into full song. In spite of this, 25 birds were heard or seen. Interesting records were: a chiff chaff in full song, spotted flycatchers, a nightingale, long tailed tits, the call of the green woodpecker and the faint song of goldcrests. Members also remarked on the number of dragon- flies, and also saw tortoiseshell and small copper butterflies. Mike Parker. September 19th. Sevenoaks. (Geological Group) A group of over forty assembled at the Bat and Ball Station, Sevenoaks, for the Geology Group's meeting to this very interesting part of Kent. The main purpose of the visit was to examine and collect fossils from the Gault Clay and Folkestone Sands. Leaving the station, the party made their way to the brickworks in Greatness Lane, where the leader gave a brief description of the geology of the area, after which they proceeded to the working face. Soon everyone was busy collecting from the rich fossil assemblages to be found there, the principal fauna being the Ammonoidea. Re-assembling after lunch, the party moved to the second site, the old pit at Ford Place, near Trottiscliff. This pit, unlike the previous one, was not being worked, and to a certain extent had deteriorated so that collecting was confined to the weathered surfaces. Some good specimens of Ammonites, etc., were collected, and among the more spectacular finds was one that could possibly be a tooth of a Pterodactyl. Ron Coates. Page 17