September 24th. to 26th. Mammal Group Weekend. Thetford Chase. Five members met outside the Bull Inn at Barton Mills on Friday evening, before being taken by the leader to the recently acquired house of Don and Norma Chapman. Here the damp weather put off most thoughts of camping and we unrolled our sleeping bags in the warmth of the living-room. The evening was spent in placing 36 Longworth small mammal traps around the extensive garden. Saturday morning saw us up before dawn, and Mildenhall Warren to the east of Barton Mills was visited in the hope of seeing red squirrels, but the party failed to see any, due, not doubt, to the poor weather. However, two roe deer were seen and also some excellent views of brown hare. On our return to the house, examination of the traps revealed a number of Woodmice and common shrews along with a single bank vole. The weather began to clear after Breafast and it was decided to visit the Norfolk Wildlife Park near Norwich in order to observe more easily our British and European mammals. Here, badgers and otters were of particular interest, also the grey and common seals, not to mention the deer we had hoped to see in the wild. On the return journey a dusk deer—watch was held at Roundham Heath, where we used the high seats in the forest, but with no success. Sunday morning we visited the Fifty Acre Plantation and West Harling Heath Woods of the Forestry Commission. Here there was plenty of evidence of red deer and possible roe or fallow in the form of fresh tracks and older wallows, but no deer were seen. The latter half of the morning was spent at Cavenham Heath, a reserve of the Nature Conservancy where roe deer had been reported. Again no deer were seen, but we did see what was thought to be a crested lark. On our return, examination of the traps revealed a further selection of wood mice and common shrews and in all a total of 20 small mammals of three species had been caught and released. Page 18