Our thanks are due to the leader, Bob Cowlin, for organ- ising such an interesting visit, and also to Don and Norma Chapman for allowing us to invade their recently acquired house. Ron Allen. October 10th. Goldhanger Sea Wall. (Birds) Thirty-eight members attended the meeting. It was a glorious autumnal day, plenty of sunshine, a bit of wind, and the tide at its best. Members were able to sit and watch numerous waders on the flats. By the end of the day everyone had been able to see ringed plover and turnstones busily feeding. In contrast, skylarks were heard singing, and working their way along the edge of the sea wall were numerous goldfinches, linnets and meadow pipits were recorded. During the morning and afternoon, both groups were able to see and watch a snipe, A kestrel hovering was one of the birds of prey seen by both groups. At the end of the meeting 43 birds had been seen; a good total for this time of year. Mike Parker. 23rd October. General Meeting No.1177. Chelmsford Brains Trust and Quiz. Although it was a very fine day, this indoor meeting was very well attended and we all had a very enjoyable time. The hall where we had the meeting was pleasant and the seating was comfortable. The Brains Trust panel consisted of Mrs.P.Upton, Messrs. J. Fielding, R. Coates, and R. Cowlin. The questions were both stimulating and interesting; I for one, learnt that sporrans were made from badgers' fur and not haggis fur! Ron Coates was quite a rebel, saying he wanted the airport at Foulness as it would be good for geologists, We managed to prevent his being lynched on the spot. Mr. Roy Masefield was chairman and kept the panel in order, especially after- Ron Coate's bombshell. Page 19