After the Brains Trust we had the Quiz, set by the wily Roy Masefield. The questions were quite fair, but I'm afraid several of my answers were inspired guesses and I'm ashamed to say my wife scored more than I did. The prize- winners were: first Mr. David Scott (25 out of 28 points) and second Mr. Mike Parker (24 points) The afternoon was brought to a close by a short speech of appreciation by the President, Mr. Peter Glassborow. John Tolfree. 7th November; Dawn Deer Watch. Mammal Group, Eight members met shortly after dawn to seek for wild deer, on the coldest morning that winter had so far produced. Some of those present were fortunate enough to see a small group of fallow does and fawns shortly after setting off, although the light was still not good enough to see all the detail one would have liked. As time progressed quite a number of deer were seen, ranging in colour from white to black, but no large bucks had been found, though some were known to be in the vicinity. They remained hidden until about 8.30 am. when five were seen together at comparatively close quarters. The fact that a number of bucks were seen together was taken as a possible indication that the rutting season had finished for another year. Most people had an enjoyable morning and, for those seeing wild deer for the first time, I hope it was a memorable morning. Brian Eastcott. ************* SOUTH WEALD CHURCH. For visitors to South Weald Park it may be of interest to note that on payment of 5p one can gain access to the church tower. This experience is not recommended for the timid or apprehensive, as its ancient and narrow, winding staircase shows deep and long cracks in the walls. But once above, one shares with the local housemartins a fine view Page 20