of the park and over much of the surrounding countryside.
Its bells and clock are worthy of a passing visit.
Kevin Byrne.
January 22.(Sat .)General Meeting No. 1180.
"Uninvited Guests". A talk by Mr. D.B.Pinniger. This
will be held at the North East London Polytechnic Stratford
Precinct, Romford Road, Stratford, at 3.00pm.
January 23 (Sun) Mammal Group Meeting.
Stephen Harris will be leading a small mammal trapping
meeting in Sawbridgeworth marsh. This is a Nature Reserve
run jointly by the Essex, Herts and Middlesex Naturalists
Trusts. A packed lunch should be brough, as the afternoon
will be spent investigating harvest mice sites in the
Lea Valley. Meet 10.30 am. at the Reserve (TL 492156).
Please advise the leader if you require a lift or are attending.
Mr. S. Harris, 230, Fullwell Avenue, Clayhill, Ilford, Essex.
February 5th (Sat) Mammal Group Annual General Meeting.
This will be held at the Suntrap Field Centre, High Beech,
starting at 3.00pm. After the official business, there will
be an identification competition for a new annual trophy —
the Mammal Jug. (See also note on page 5.)
February 24 (Thurs) Geology Group Annual General Meeting.
Meeting place and time to be announced later. Non-club
persons are requested to contact the Group Secretary.
February 26 (Sat) General Meeting No.1181
"The field Naturalist and Conservation", a talk by
Mr. Paul A. Moxey. Starting at 3.00pm. at the North East
London Polytechnic Stratford Precinct, Romford Road,
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