EDITORIAL With this issue of the Bulletin we start another summer season of outdoor meetings. You will see from the programme up to the end of June, there is a good selection of outings, covering all fields of interest. The Programme for the second half-year is not yet fully prepared but I do know that there will be many more to come. I hope we shall see many of you on these meetings and that we shall have good weather for them. One of the matters that has concerned the Council of the Club in recent times is the membership. It would be good to see a substantial increase in the numbers; why not make this a year in which every member recruited another new member? It should not be difficult to get just one each. To help matters, the Club will be going on show with the Essex Naturalists' Trust at such places as the Harlow Town Show and one or two others during this summer. Elsewhere in this Bulletin we are calling for volunteers to make these shows a success, hoping there will be an increase in membership as a result of the publicity. And now, from me all good wishes for a good season of natural history activities, and please let me have reports and articles on what you see and do, for inclusion in the Summer Bulletin. Roy Masefield CORRECTION The report of an Orange Tip butterfly on Skippers Island meeting last year (Bulletin No.4, page 16) was incorrect. These butterflies are seen very rarely, and never in September. ********** Page 1