ECOLOGICAL SURVEY FOR PROPOSED COUNTRY PARK The Conservation Corps of Belfair's Woods and several other naturalist bodies have joined forces to make an ecological study of the saltings, mudflats and woods which extend from Benfleet to Leigh in an effort to claim a better and larger area to be managed as a nature reserve in the Country Park proposed by Southend Borough and Essex County Councils. The park would comprise 1485 acres stretching from Hadleigh to Leigh including Two Tree Island. Amenities would include picnic grounds, a golf course, a camping site and seven car parks. Only a small area has been proposed for a nature reserve. The object of our group is to collect all the information concerning the natural history of the area, and with this, offer advice to the planners as to the best location of an ecologically balanced area that would become the reserve. The survey, however, has just started; the many habitats have been logged, and work is about to commence on analysing each habitat. The study is especially important in that there are several rare plant species in the area which could disappear if the present plans are adopted. The Brent Geese would also suffer if Leigh Marsh - included in the plan — were to be developed. Anyone interested in helping with the survey should contact Miss MacConnell of 61 Gravel Road, Eastwood. Gordon Davis NEW RECORDER The Club is pleased to appoint Mr. R.M. Payne, of 49 Galton Road, Westcliff -on-Sea, Essex, as the Recorder for Diptera. Mr. Payne is a long-standing member of the Club and has made a special study of the Diptera, in particular of the Crane-flies (Tipulidae) and the Hover-flies (Syrphidae). He will welcome all records of the Essex flies. Page 10