MYCOLOGICAL REPORT 1970 The annual foray in Epping Forest was well attended and was blessed with perfect weather, but drought had again caused a disappointing crop of fungi. Some of the most common species which turn up at every foray were not seen at all. The Bolets were well represented and a good number of russulas were identified thanks to the use of Rayner's new key. The earlier part of the season was wetter and yielded good results. Geoffrey Kibby has concentrated on recording species found by Pearson but not seen since his records were published in 1938. He has found Agrocybe praecox, Agaricus vaporius, Amanita aspera, Hydnum cirrhatum, Russula firmula Pluteus nanus in the Epping Forest area. The long, mild autumn has enabled enthusiasts to continue collecting until the end of the year. This, coupled with the appearance, late in the autumn of British Fungus Flora Part 1. Boletaceae etc., has made it possible to produce a good list of new records. With this new publication, Kibby has been able to separate several new species, most of which have been identified by the author, Dr, Watling of Edinburgh. New Records Agaricus silvicola (Vitt.) Peck Amanita crocera (Quel.) Kuhn & Romagn. Amanita gemmata (Fr.) Gillet. Agaricus abruptibulbus Peck. Leccinum variicolor Watling. Leccinum roseofracta Watling First record for South England. Boletus umbrinus Watling Temporary name for entirely new species. Cortinarium triformis Fr. turmalis (Fr.) Fr. Entoloma jubatum (Fr.) Karst. Inocybe flocculosa (Berk.) Sacc. languinella (Schroeter apud Kohn.) K&M margaritispora (Berk. apud Cooke) Sacc. Page 11