REPORTS OF MEETINGS September 12th. 1971. Fungus Foray, Epping Forest A party of about forty gathered at the Wake Arms and set off in fine, warm sunshine. Several small groups were directed into different areas in order to achieve a good coverage. Dry weather was again responsible for the scarcity of specimens, but when everyone met up at the new Field Studies Centre at High Beach, a reasonable display of eighty species was presented. Baskets were emptied and their contents examined by Geoffrey Kibby, Doreen and Heather Boardman. The excellent facilities at the Centre enabled members to circulate freely around the display, whilst enjoying a welcome cup of tea. A short business meeting was conducted by the president, who appealed for new members for the Club. Notable finds of the day were: Boletus carpini, Russula amoena and the parasitic Boletus growing on Scleroderma. Many common species were absent. Doreen J. Boardman December 11th. 1971 General Meeting No. 1179 The last meeting of the Club for 1971 was held at the Suntrap, the Field Research Centre of Epping Forest. The attendance was about forty people. The President, Mr. Peter Glassborow, introduced the speaker, Mr. Bernard Ward, who gave us a very interesting talk on the Forest, of which he is a verderer. John Tollfree February 5th. 1972 Mammal Group A.G.M. The twelfth Annual General Meeting of the Mammal Group took place at the Suntrap Field Centre, High Beech. Fifteen members attended, with David Scott in the Chair. After the official business, David Corke spoke about a proposed weekend visit to Roger Burrow's Field Centre in Cornwall, There would be an opportunity to see Seals, Bats, and Deer, as well as small mammals. The cost would be £6 to £7 in all. Anyone interested was asked to contact David Corke as soon Page 17