THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB BULLETIN Edited by Roy Masefield Number Five —- Spring 1972 MAIN CONTENTS Editorial Page 1 Hover-flies 2 Excavation of a Red Hill 3 Personal View — Fred Williams 4 "It was one of those days when ..." 8 Ecological Survey for proposed Country Park 10 Mycological Report 1970 11 Common Hemp-nettle 14 Book Reviews 15 Reports of Meetings 17 Programme — May to June 1 972 19 Membership Changes 21 ********* Published by the Essex Field Club, at the Passmore Edwards Museum, Romford Road, Stratford, E.15 Editorial address: Mr. W.R. Masefield, 38 Pentland Avenue, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 4AZ. (Tel: Chelmsford 51281) Printed by Central Agency, 16 Duke Street, Chelmsford. (Tel: Chelmsford 8477/8). *********