EDITORIAL Next to political upheavals, which are not the province of this non-party Bulletin, I suppose the weather is the biggest talking-point. My barber, in common with most of his ilk, delights in dissertations on the British climate, and the worse it is, the more vicious is his hair cropping. So this "Summer", he has had many field days. And so have we in the Field Club, and, though the low temperatures may have retarded the progress of wildlife (plants were late, and migrant birds were late), they have not prevented good turn-outs at many of our meetings, as our Reports show. I write this in the wetness of the first week of August. Let us hope that by the time you read it, we shall have had a good holiday month and be all set for a fine Autumn. You will note that the Programme Cards in future will be issued in March and October, so as to cover the Summer and Winter meetings, respectively. And, to save in postage, which is a heavy item, these days, the Bulletin will, after December 1972, be restricted to two issues per year, and will be distributed at the same times. With this Bulletin comes a copy of our new brochure. The design for this was made by free-lance artist Bob Jones, and a very nice job he has done for us, - an attractive design helps to sell the Club. President Peter Glassborow asks me to pass on this message: Will you all please give the brochure to a friend who might be tempted to join the Club. And don't just stop at that; there's plenty more brochures to be had from our Secretary. A final word before I turn you loose into the pages of the Bulletin: My apologies for any shortcomings in this issue, but I am in the throes of house-moving. My new address is on the opposite page. Do look me up if you are in the area. Roy Masefield. Page 1