One last word. For many years I've kept in mind the words of Linnaeus: "No wise man will dare say any longer that those are doing no good or waste their time, who, by collecting mosses and flies and contemplate the wonderful works of the Creator, do teach us how to turn them to their appointed use." ********** KEW CLUB MEMBERSHIP FORMS The Club has had printed a supply of new membership proposal forms. These have an attractive design on the cover, depicting the many activities of Club members and drawn by Bob Jones of Chigwell. Inside, they contain a short account of the Club, membership proposal form and banker's order form. These will be available from the Secretary for members to distribute amongst friends and prospective new Club members. Members can also help by putting posters advertising the Club in public buildings such as libraries and village halls. Thanks to the efforts of Kevin Byrne of Dagenham, the Club now possesses display boarding suitable for erection at events in Essex, such as Town Shows, Horticultural Shows, at libraries and museums. These will be available from the secretary, and members are asked to suggest events where they may be used. They were first used at the Danbury Horticultural Show in June this year, and will be used during the Harlow Town Show in August. The boards consist of six panels, each 3-ft by 3-ft. 6-ins. which bolt together either rigidly or hinged. Display material is available for them, showing the activities of the group. The boards may also be used for general natural displays should the need arise. Ron Allen Page 5