May 7th 1972. Mill Green, Highwood, College Wood, Fryerning. Thirty-three members and friends attended on a glorious day. There was plenty to interest all those who attended. Members were able to see at close range a Reed Bunting, a Cuckoo in flight and Willow Warblers. Standing on the roadside verge a Nightingale was heard loud and clear. In an open area a Tree Pipit sang and gave its distinctive song flight. The Garden Warbler and Blackcap were heard and their songs compared. An unusual sighting was a single male Wheatear in a cornfield. These birds are not usually seen in these parts at this time of the year, as they are mainly passage migrants and the migration is much earlier. The Lesser Whitethroat, Swallows, House Martins and a single Swift were also seen. On the Green, Common Lizards and an Adder were seen by some members. An active Badger Sett was visited and bristles noticed around the entrances. In the woods an interesting, unidentified moth was seen, it had very long antennae. A large red and black Frog Hopper was also recorded. Botanists in the party recorded Bistort and Figwort, Mr & Mrs Burn provided members with an excellent tea at Fremmnells, after which a report was made of the day's interesting findings. 38 birds had been seen or heard, Mike Parker May 14th 1972. President's Meeting, Epping Forest. Nine members attended this meeting. Starting from Bell Common, the group made its way to Copthall Green, passing through the estate of Copt Hall. In the afternoon, members walked to High Beech where tea was taken. In the morning, which was fine, rather cold and windy, a number of interesting birds were recorded. A stop was made to watch a Spotted Flycatcher, to hear a Blackcap and also a Common Whitethroat, fine and close views were seen of these birds. Page 12