28th July 1972. Hylands Park, Chelmsford. (Birds) Thirty-six members attended this meeting. The weather was fine, dry and very warm all day. Birds at this time of year are quiet, but in spite of this the day was very rewarding. Before lunch all were able to watch a Spotted Flycatcher busily feeding on insects and returning to its perch on a dead branch of a tree. Nearby a Wren burst into full song, but was not seen. In the woods, Enchanter's Nightshade was examined and also Wood Avens. A number of interesting Mosses and Liverworts were seen, but not identified fully. During the walk in the coolness of the woods, members remarked on the number of Robins giving their warning calls - one Robin also was heard in full song. In the afternoon a Chiff Chaff was heard in full song, Amongst some Oak, Ash and a few Pine trees, the plaintive "Kik Kik" of the Great Spotted Woodpecker was heard. After a short time some members were rewarded with an excellent view of this woodpecker. A Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was also heard. Near the house, and in the formal gardens, a small group of Goldcrests were heard singing, but did not show themselves clearly. At the end of the meeting it was reported that 32 birds had either been seen or heard; this was very rewarding for such a well-attended meeting. Mike Parker July 2nd. 1972. Curtis Mill Green Sixteen members and friends attended this meeting on an overcast, cool but mainly dry day. Some interesting birds were seen and heard, five species of Tits were seen, in particular a Coal Tit at close range feeding on small moths. Members were also fortunate in being able to see a Common Whitethroat in full song, and not far away were able to compare its song with that of its Page 20