close relative the Lesser Whitethroat; the bird did not show itself. This area is a stronghold for Tree Sparrows - a few were seen in the Oak trees; on the edge of the wood Chiff Chaffs and Blackcaps were heard. In the more open areas Yellow Hammers seemed to be everywhere, and also numbers of Linnets and Greenfinches. Other interesting records were a Weasel, and a very large Grass Snake which was picked up and shown to everyone. An interesting plant seen was Sainfoin, also recorded were Enchanter's Nightshade, Figwort, and around the edge of a small pond, Spearwort. At the end of a most rewarding day it was reported that 39 birds had been seen or heard. Mike Parker. PROGRAMME - SEPTEMBER 1972 to JANUARY 1973 September 10th (Sun) Galleywood Common, near Chelmsford. (Birds) Meet 11.00 a.m. Chelmsford Station or on the Common opposite the Church. Bring lunch. Please inform the leader if you are attending, and state where you will be joining the party. Leader: Mr. M. T. Parker, 14, Ridgeway, Ingatestone, Essex. (Tel: Ingatestone 3510) September 10th (gun) Great Holland Pits Nature Reserve. (General Botany) Recording for Essex Naturalists' Trust. Meet 11.00 a.m. at the entrance to the Pits between Gt. Holland and Gt. Holland Common on North side of road (Grid Ref: 204190). Bring lunch. Please inform leader if attending. Leader: W. R. Masefield. September 16th (Sat) Danbury Common Area (Fungi). Meet 11.00 a.m. at the car park at the top of the Backwarden Reserve of the Essex Naturalists' Trust, entrance about 200 yards past Croft Stores. Both are on the right hand side of the road crossing the Common from Eve's Corner, Danbury, to Bicknacre (Grid Ref: T. L. 781040). A roadside arrow will be placed, indicating the entrance to the car park. Bring lunch and inform the leader if attending at least a week in advance. Leader: Mrs. D. Boardman, 109, Monkhams Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex. (Tel: Buckhurst Hill 2480) Page 21