is developed on a variety of soil types and thus there is a wide range of habitats in a small area. One aim of this meeting will be to record as many differing aspects of the natural history of this woodland as possible. The wood is interesting for its plants, including the bryophytes and is thought to have been under woodland continuously since the former Forest of Essex. There is a badger sett in the wood, and fallow deer are commonly seen here. The meeting has been arranged for autumn to coincide with the fungi. It is hoped that members with many interests will attend. Most of the day will be spent in the wood, while in the later part of the afternoon, tea will be provided in the laboratory at Ditchleys nearby, when the day's results can be discussed and recorded. Further details of the meeting are in the Programme Card. Ron Allen. October 19th (Thur) Japan, an illustrated talk to be given by Mr. J. Tollfree in the Central Library, Romford at 7.30pm. October 27-29th (Fri-Sun) Mammal Group Weekend. A weekend meeting at Breanoc Field Centre, St. Agnes, Cornwall. Leaving Friday, returning Sunday or Monday. Cost about £7.00 including travel. Details from leader. Numbers may have to be limited, and persons wishing to attend should book early. Leader: Mr. D. Corke, 45, Hawkwood Crescent, Chingford, London, E.4. November 18th (Sat) General Meeting No.1190. A talk on Hedgehogs will be given by Mr, P. Morris in the Suntrap Field Centre, High Beech, at 3.00 p.m. December 7th (Thur) Council Meeting for Officers and Council members only. December 9th (Sat) General Meeting No.11 91. Film show and Members Notes and Exhibits. 3.00 p.m. North East London Polytechnic, Stratford Precinct, Romford Road, Stratford. January 20th 1973 (Sat) General Meeting No.1192. The History of Railways in Essex. A talk by Mr. B. D. J. Walsh, Vice-President of the Railway Club. 3.00 p.m. North Page 23