THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB BULLETIN Edited by Roy Masefield Number Six --- Summer, 1972. MAIN CONTENTS Editorial 1 Personal View - A. J. Pettifer 2 Book notes - Botanical Drawings 6 Choosing a 'Flower Book' - Bernard Ward 7 An Invitation 9 Reports of Meetings 10 Programme - Sept. 1972 to Jan. 1973 21 Membership Changes 24 Quam Bella 25 Published by the Essex Field Club, at the Passmore Edwards Museum, Romford Road, Stratford, E.15. Editorial address: Mr. W. R. Masefield, 36, Slade Road, Holland-on-Sea, Essex. Printed by Central Agency, 16, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex. (Tel: Chelmsford 8477/8)