Members will be sorry to hear that Mr. Roy Masefield
asked to be relieved of his duties as Editor of
the Bulletin during 1973.
At a recent Meeting it was decided to keep the
Bulletin as a forum for the Club, and Messrs.
Ron Allen and Bob Cowlin have volunteered to act
as Editors. We hope that all members will
continue to give them their fullest support, by
sending in Reports of Meetings (a Leader's duty)
and any observations they have.
It would be a great help to the Club if each Member
did his utmost to enrol one further Member in 1974.
I would like to see the membership increased. Please
do your best for the Club in this way.
Michael T. Parker.
Principal Contents
The Other Hemp Nettle by Eric Hooper.......4/5/6
Report on the Roads Symposium...............7/8
Hedgerow Birds by Mrs. Phillips..............9/l0
Roadside Verges by Mrs. Mummery............. 11/12
Moths in Hainault Forest by Ian Sims........ 15/l6
The Essex Botanist by Dr. Ken Adams..........17/18/19
Reports of Meetings ........................ 20/2l/22
1974 Meetings Summary.......................3l/32/33
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