BOBRON'S EDITORIAL. Having edited this Bulletin and having already looked back into past numbers for inspiration, we have realised once again the splendid job that Roy Masefield has done over the past three years. On behalf of the Club we would like to express our personal appreciation of his efforts as editor of the Bulletin and we can only hope that as his successers we may continue to emulate his high standards. This however we rather doubt and we shall therefore be only too grateful for your comments, critiseisms and boots from the rear, not to mention your suggestions, on this and future issues. If of course you feel sufficiently strongly about the new management we would be more than happy to step down in your favour.... (we live in hopei) Seriously though, we would like your comments, suggestions AND ARTICLES for the next issue. Petrol. In the present situation it is specially important that members should liaise with the leaders of meetings beforehand, so that spare seats can be filled in cars. *********** End of BOBRON. New Recorder for Plants. The Club is pleased to appoint Dr.K.Adams as recorder replacing the late S. Jermyn. Dr. Adams is currently completing the Essex County Flora shortly to be published by the Essex Naturalists Trust, His address will be found on the cover of the programme card, and below his article, published elsewhere in this Bulletin. Page 3