for its presence there, hut even if the habit of this annual species may sometimes be biennial, how did these particular plants bridge the full two year gap since 1971? What conditions decide that germination should be delayed? There was ample robust seed, and some of it I distributed at the original site. If this stranger to Essex can hold its own over five years, albeit tenuously, one is led to hope that it may be persuaded that it is welcome for as many summers as it may care to stay. Perhaps 1974 will be another of them. There is certainly no reason why not, for this striking plant is at home in arable country. Roger Butcher's illustration of it is taken from a Suffolk specimen. The question finally poses itself from the angle - how has this quite widespread though rather infrequent arable plant, managed to avoid the farming county of Essex over the years until the present time? ARTISTS. Several Museums are willing to put up small wall displays about the Club. For this we need drawings, sketches, cartoons, etc. of members doing things and of wildlife - if you can help, then contact one of the Editors. Similarly we need an artist to design the cover of the Autumn Bulletin! Harvest Mouse Survey for the Mammal Society. Stephen Harris of the Zoology Dept. Royal Holloway College, Englefield Green, Surrey, would like records of Harvest Mice from Essex. If you have ever seen them or their characteristic nests would you please write and let him know. Maplin Rally. Several members joined the anti-Maplin Airport Rally of the Defenders of Essex from Southend to High Beach. Linda, Michael and Mrs. Jean Daniels were in particularly good voice with cries of 'we say no to Maplin' all along the route'. Page 6