this we had excellent weather with the Forest at its most golden. During the evening session Don Chapman spoke on deer mentioning in particular the deer of Epping Forest. Bob Cowlin, the County Badger Recorder then outlined the problems that roads bring for badgers and the difficulties involved in moving badgers away from their home ground. Colin Ranson then led a discussion and Roger Tabor of the N.E.London Polytechnic outlined his researches on road vibration and earthworm behaviour. Sunday morning Mr. Dunball, Horticultural Advisor to the Department of the Environment, spoke on the problems of landscaping roads, tree planting, grass mixtures, drainage and related subjects. Mrs. Phillips of the British Trust for Ornithology- spoke on her breeding birds survey of the Little Waltham area and showed how different birds had reacted to having a road thrust through their fields and hedgerows. After lunch Mrs. Mummery of the Essex Naturalists Trust spoke on her efforts to get selected roadside verges around the county preserved for their flora. Mrs. Mummery then led the final discussions on roads and the problems they bring and Mr. Halcrow, Principal of the College and Course director proposed the final vote of thanks. The Club would like to express its gratitude to all those who took part in the course, whether speaking or listening, especially to Colin Ranson for chairing the meeting. Also to Mr. & Mrs. Halcrow for making the centre available and providing superb facilities including tho good food. We should also like to thank the Passmore Edwards Museum for the use of their display material featuring roads and wildlife conservation. Ron Allen - Course Tutor. Page 8