taking of badgers for sport, for pets and for their pelts is now illegal. Existing badger pets can be kept but new ones will need a licence. Where necessary, the NERO will be able to have areas declared as Areas of Special Protection for Badgers. It remains to be seen what effect the Act will have, and whether any prosecutions will be affected under its provisions. The gassing of badgers has been illegal for some years but this practice is still widespread and to my knowledge no prosecutions have ever been made, Bob Cowlin. Moths in Hainault Forest. Hainault Forest is a deciduous forest consisting mainly of Beech, Hornbeam, Oak, Ash, Maple & Silver-birch. The forest is bordered by a large playing field and golf course to the east, pasture along it's northern borders and the G.L.C. Tree Banks to the south. The western side is defined by Manor. Road running between Chigwell Row and Lambourne End. The Forest contains many small clearings providing open spaces and a variety of food for woodland insects. A few of the Forest's moths have a very small area which they inhabit; this is because such things as nectar and larval food plants are restricted in their distribution, so the insects that depend on them have to remain within the plants immediate area in order to survive. Some can only be found in and around one clearing they are so localized. Others like the Sixspot Burnet, Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet and Mother Shipton moths are found only around small patches of Trefoils and Clovers in the Tree Banks. Page 15