urgently. There are 2-3 species which could disappear this year unless we move fast. Less urgent but perhaps more popular local projects that we have in mind are: MESSING ABOUT IN BOATS Our knowledge of the plant life of Essex rivers is very thin. Would anyone care to join a group prepared to navigate our major waterways in a dingy to record vegetation in and by the water? LOCAL SPECIES MAPPING Several hundred of our more local higher plants have been mapped on a 1km sq basis for the Flora. Quite a number of them however have distributions that need 'filling in' before we can really assess their status. Over the next few years this work will be continued with a view to publishing a County Atlas of plants with interesting distribution patterns. Plants such as the Rockrose (Helianthemum chamaecistus) and Ramsons (Allium ursinum) for example are very local in Essex. You may even have records of some of these species which, if you are quick, could be included in the recent records appendix of the Flora. Send for a list if interested. SOIL/PLANT RELATIONS Would anyone be interested in investigating the distribution of a few selected plant species in one or more of the 10 km squares that have been mapped in detail by Robin Sturdy and Ron Allen of the Soil Survey? HABITAT RECORDING We would very much like to include in the Flora some quantitative assessment of the rate at which our woods, hedgerows and ponds are being destroyed. Page 18